Design Tips To Get More Clicks On Your Banner Ads

With the internet gaining in popularity and becoming more easily accessible, companies are shifting their focus to advertising online. Since web banners allow flexibility when it comes to size and placement, it's no wonder that they are one of the best online marketing tools available today. Read on for the top design tips that can help build brand awareness through affordable web banners.

Simplicity is key

Attract potential clients by keeping visuals and content simple as most viewers will probably glance at the banner while scrolling through the site.

Stick to proven sizes

Studies by leading advertising and marketing agencies have shown that using specific standard banner sizes are most effective for web banners. These include

  • 336x280px - Large rectangle
  • 300x250px - Medium rectangle
  • 300x600px - Half page
  • 728x90px - Leaderboard

Big things come in small packages

According to Google Adwords, when it comes to file size, those under 150 kb work best. Smaller files load faster and reduce the likelihood that a viewer would miss it while scrolling through.

Placement matters

For the most impact, your banner should feature close to the main content and above the fold on the website.

Preserve the hierarchy

To get the most engagement and visible brand awareness, ensure that your advertisement is efficient and sticks to the hierarchy. An effective campaign should include:

  • A visible company logo
  • A value proposition that grabs potential customer's attention
  • The call to action button or link that users can click to further engage with the brand

Create a sense of urgency

Using bold and contrasting colors allows your banner to create a sense of visual urgency, stand out, and grab attention.

Increase those clicks

Expertly designed buttons help increase the click-through rate of the advertisement. A clickable button placed after the copy and set in colors that contrast from the body of the banner is a highly efficient layout that generates viewer engagement.

Animate your ad

Research has shown that using animation in ads produces better results. Just make sure that the animation doesn't distract the viewer away from the core message of your ad.

Armed with these tips, you can set about planning exceptional banner advertisements with the right features to rake in the clicks.